AskMen membuat daftar 20 album terbaik
New Wave (atau lebih kita kenal dengan: musik rock-alternatif 90-an) sepanjang masa. Masa yang sebagian orang bilang adalah masa diversifikasi aliran paling ekstensif, dengan kemunculan
Seattle Sound di awal 90-an, sampai ke era merajanya band-band
British yang outstanding, macam
Stone Roses dan kawan-kawan. Anyway, here's the list:
01. Pearl Jam: Ten
"Undoubtedly one of the greatest first albums of all time. These Seattle boys sure know how to rock."Part of the '90s Seattle grunge triumvirate completed by Nirvana and Soundgarden, Pearl Jam debuted with Ten, their most accessible, least self-conscious album. Over time, PJ's rep as a politically correct band just a little too above it all to prostitute its music on MTV has nearly superseded the music. But before that, they were a simply an in-your-face, in-your-head, loud, melodic rock band. And lead singer Eddie Vedder was known for his possessed stage presence and a primal growl that sounded like it required three vocal chords. The personal, narrative singles "Alive," "Jeremy," and "Even Flow" catapulted the reluctant band into the 10-million-plus-sales division. Subsequent albums are more intricate, subtle, thematically complex, and, in many ways, better than Ten. But the band may never repeat the stampede caused by this debut. --
Beth Bessmer-----------------------------------------------------------
02. Nirvana: Nevermind
03. Soundgarden: Badmotorfinger
04. Radiohead: OK Computer
05. Beck: Odelay
06. Foo Fighters: Foo Fighters
07. Alice in Chains: Dirt-----------------------------------------------------------
"Definitely one of the bands with the "negative, down on oneself" Seattle sound."Alice in Chains were initially tagged with the "grunge" moniker, when in fact their haunting, ponderous sound was far closer to the progressive rock of Queensryche. Their second album, Dirt, is a moody, portentous affair, filled with occasionally inspired riffing from guitarist Jerry Cantrell and hair-tossed wailing from singer Layne Staley. Perhaps the band got lumped in with Generation X because their lyrics focused upon depression, death, and drugs. Certainly, titles such as "Down in a Hole," "Junkhead," and "Hate to Feel" didn't leave much room for doubt as to Cantrell's perspective. The quartet did have a slightly lighter, almost poppy side to them, though, as "God Smack" and "Hate to Feel" indicate. Ultimately, Dirt is classic angst rock. --
Everett True-----------------------------------------------------------
08. Nine Inch Nail: Downward Spiral
09. Rage Against The Machine: Rage Against The Machine
10. Mudhoney: Mudhoney
11. Jane's Addiction: Ritual De Lo Habital
12. Stone Roses: Stone Roses
13. Creed: Human Clay
14. Stone Temple Pilots: Core-----------------------------------------------------------
"While many blasted these guys from San Diego for being too 'inspired' from the boys of Seattle, STP put out some good tunes."-----------------------------------------------------------
15. Jesus and Mary Chain
16. Violent Femmes: Violent Femmes
17. The Smashing Pumpkins: Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
18. Temple of the Dog: Temple of the Dog-----------------------------------------------------------
" This group combined members of Pearl Jam and Soundgarden."This 1991 Seattle supergroup brought together Chris Cornell and Matt Cameron of Soundgarden with the surviving members of Mother Love Bone (Jeff Ament, Stone Gossard) and Eddie Vedder, later of Pearl Jam. The experiment worked. Cornell shines, seeming more comfortable here on this tribute to his former roommate and deceased MLB lead singer Andrew Wood than with his own band. "Hunger Strike" and "Say Hello 2 Heaven" combine glam and grunge better than anything in Love Bone's catalog, while "Wooden Jesus" is less didactic than anything in Pearl Jam's oeuvre. Most of the songs may be about loss and addiction, but this is compelling music for black days. --
Charles R. Cross
19. PJ Harvey: To Bring You My Love
20. Hole: Live Through This